This page displays an up-to-date listing of changes and additions to this mini-website. It is a good place to check first when visiting this Gamma Omicron Kappa area to see if anything's different from your last visit. If I don't
put a hyperlink for something new here, head to the section or page it describes
or use your imagination to find it!
August 29, 2008
- Resolved the question-marked names for the photos posted two days ago. Many thanks to Eileen for furnishing those.
- Increased height of top half of photo page (Reunion 2008) to accomodate all of the names in the Group photo without having to scroll.
- Replaced that Group photo with a larger resolution version to better see all the faces.
August 27, 2008
- Added more Reunion 2008 Photos. New batches were submitted by Jeffy Day Loughridge and Eileen Dickinson Parker. (If you can fill in the blanks for some of the question marks of the people in the photos or locations, please email me (Donna). Specify either the relative order of the photo you're addressing, such as fourth in the group of photos from Jeffy, or right-click the image to reveal the JPG file name and tell me that.)
- Updated home page to indicate that more photos from the 2008 Reunion have been posted.
July 5, 2008
- Added Reunion 2008 Photos (from Ann Flemming Kagi).
- Added a link to the Photos page for the Reunion 2008 photos.
- Updated home page to indicate photos from 2008 Reunion have been posted.
- Added a link to the Reunion 2008 main page for the photos.
April 23, 2008
- Updated the Missing Page.
- Added the main visitor counter to the Reunion 2008 page.
- Added descriptions for two of the banquet menu items to the Registration Form page (both viewable page and printable page).
April 18, 2008
April 16, 2008
October 13, 2007
- Added info from the "Save the Date" postcard and email message about the Second Grand Reunion to be held June 20-22, 2008.
June 1, 2006
November 6, 2005
- Added 79 photos to the Reunion Photo Page, many of these being the individual photos taken. Many thanks to Eileen Dickinson Parker for sending these!
September 8, 2005
- Added another photo to the Reunion Photo Page, this one of our 'Fearless Leader' modeling her Kappa Kerchief outfit. Thanks to Ann Flemming for sending this!
August 26, 2005
- Added more photos to the Reunion Photo Page, with many thanks to Peggy Gates-Wieneke for these.
August 22, 2005
- Updated some missing names for photos on the Reunion Photo Page, with many thanks to Eileen Parker for the info.
- Removed Candy Keeline and Maureen Larson from the "Missing" page.
August 20, 2005
August 19, 2005
August 17, 2005
- Added more images (these submitted by Debbie Carpenter) to the Reunion start page for photos.
- Added names to several of the images previously posted, including the Initiation Class years for the group shots. Most of these names were submitted by Eileen Dickinson (thanks!) and include most married names. If anyone takes offense to having just her maiden name shown in other captions, please email me and I'll correct that.
August 13, 2005
- Added several images to the Reunion start page for photos, submitted by Jacque Carmin. Many of them have names, but others do not, so anyone knowing who some of the ladies are, please let me know and I'll update the info on the website.
August 10, 2005
- Created a start page for photos from the big Reunion and added several images contributed by Ann Flemming. Others will be posted here as well when they are submitted to me, and notes to that effect will be posted on this What's New page (so check back often).
- Added a flashing "New" icon and link to the Reunion Photos from the main Photos page.
- Added a flashing "New" icon and link to the Reunion Photos from the main Reunion page.
- Changed info on home page next to the flashing "New" icon (from Registration Brochure to Reunion Photos).
July 26, 2005
- Added a recent photo of the Shoop Family, along with a message about not being able to attend the reunion, to the main Photos Page.
July 8, 2005
- Added a page of photos from the Gathering at Janet Anderson's Cabin in September of 2003, including a link to it from the main photos page. Many thanks to Ann Flemming for sending these.
- Added three snapshots from the early 70s to the bottom of the main Photos Page. These were scanned and submitted by Eileen.
June 12, 2005
- Added the Reunion Registration Brochure to the website. This was mailed out around June 8, 2005, but for those who didn't get it or need another, it's now posted here as well. It can be found by clicking the link in this What's New entry, clicking the link from the Home Page, or clicking the link from the Reunion Page.
May 14, 2005
- Added two photos from the May 7, 2005 meeting of some of the Reunion Organizers to the Photos page.
April 5, 2005
- Removed Julie Warrington from the list of Missing Kappas; she's been found!
March 16, 2005
- Added a "New" item to the home page about missing/unknown addresses and link to that page.
- Added a page to the site about missing addresses for various sisters.
- Moved plea for photos and info about the blue uniform from the home page to right here: (Originally Posted Sept. 20, 2004: The organizers have sent out an appeal to have everyone please send Donna photos from the chapter days and any others more recent with Kappas together. Be sure to label them!! All will be posted on this site and shown at the Reunion next summer. (JPGs are preferred, 72dpi or similar low-resolution is sufficient for the web, size 640 pixels by 480 pixels is good; email Donna with any questions.) They also want to know who all still has the blue/blue "uni" and if anyone married and is still married to one of the hashers??)
November 7, 2004
October 7, 2004
October 6, 2004
- Updated Eileen's email address on the Member Info/Contact page and the Reunion Page because she's having trouble with her original address (the one listed before here and on the Reunion announcement that went out via snail mail).
September 21, 2004
- Added photos of more of the key Reunion organizers with links to their email addresses on the Contacts/Members page.
- Added the artwork (Ann Kagi's) and invitation/announcement text to the Reunion page.
- Moved the photo of the Kappa House from the old Reunion page to the home page.
- Added a couple of website links to the Members page.
September 20, 2004
- Added (old) photos of the key Reunion organizers with links to their email addresses on the Contacts/Members page.
- Added plea on home page for more photos, asked who still has her blue/blue "uni", and who is married to any of the hashers.
- Added a couple of old photos from Derby Days to the Photos start page. (Please help identify some of the ladies in the group photos!)
September 18, 2004
September 11, 2004
September 6, 2004
- Started this website area for the Gamma Omicron Kappas of yesteryear. Happy Birthday, sisters! :)