AUGUST 5 – 7, 2005








Planned Activities

Lots and Lots of Remembering and Catching Up!


Friday, Aug. 5th

 Golf, anyone?  Laramie CC (489 Hwy 230)

 *Sign up on form – you’ll be contacted

: 10 AM – 4 PM, Chapter House

“FAC”: 4 PM - 7    Laramie Country Club

Cash Bar; Horsdeouvres; Get Reacquainted

7:30 – ? – Chapter House – Getting reacquainted


Saturday, Aug. 6th:

8 AM – 10:30 AM Continental Breakfast –House

The Day is Open:  University tours, revisiting your favorite places in Laramie area, or just for visiting.

Lunch: on your own or BYOlunch to the House?

6:30 – 7:00 PM Pre-Dinner Mixer – House

7 PM – 9:30 “Monday Night Dinner” & Program

The House Dining Room; dress for “Monday Night” dinner


More visiting and remembering and laughing!


Sunday, Aug. 7th:

Continental Breakfast available – House 7 AM -

    More Time together

Checkout 1 PM, please.



(1-303-347-9695) Or

(970-221-3280) Or

Janet Anderson at:


The Gamma Omicron House Board has graciously allowed us to use the House for our Reunion.  There are about 50 of beds, plus floor space (bring your own bedding).  Beds in the House will be on a first reserve basis with priority going to those who will be there both nights.  Laramie has a number of hotels/motels, too, for which you are welcome to make reservations.  Please note, there is a statewide Education Assessment Training being held In Laramie Aug. 3 – 5th.  Please make your reservations ASAP.


Our committee has had a lot of fun putting this together but there are costs that must be covered.  Therefore, there is a registration fee and a few other fees.


 Please Bring:

*Pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures – from your chapter days and of your family and other Kappas who can’t join us

*Memorabilia of your chapter days. Anyone still have the blue/blue uniform?

*Your badge (key)


IMPORTANT: even though we are all mature (?) adults now, the liability issues still abide.  The House insurance doesn’t allow alcohol use or smoking or candles.


PLEASE: If you can’t attend, send us a note about you, to share at the Reunion and in a newsletter.  What do you remember most about your chapter days?  Tell us about yourself, your family, etc. 



Kappa Grand Reunion



NAME: ______________________________


Maiden Name: ________________________


ADDRESS: ___________________________




TELEPHONE #: _______________________


E-MAIL ADDRESS: ______________________


__Registration fee:  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $30.00

__FAC, Country Club, horsdeouvres ……  $10.00

__I want a bed in the House, 5th & 6th . . . . .  $20.00

__Bed, 1 night only (if room) Fri or Sat ?   $10.00

__I’ll take a space on floor (towels, only).   $  5.00

__I’ll be staying elsewhere. ………………….

__Let me know about Golf ……………   $45.00

__Sat. night “Monday Night Dinner” . . . . .  $12.00



Total enclosed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _____



SEND this part of FORM AND CHECK (payable to: Kappa Grand Reunion) BY July 20th:

Sharon Durfee, 1865 Indian Hills Circle, Ft. Collins,

CO 80525