My Recent Surgery (July 2001)

Here are a few photos from my recent abdominal incisional hernia surgery (those of you faint of heart shouldn't scroll down!):

First day home from hospital; still bandaged but JP drain is collecting fluids well

First day after removal of original dressing. JP tubing showing full flow of fluids and reddish, bruised area around staples.
More of same.
More of same.

Closeup of area showing staples and nasty bruising. Redness has mostly turned yellow, black, and blue.

Second closeup of staples and improved coloration of bruising (somewhat).
First day after removal of JP drain and staples.  Got steri-strips on incision and gauze dressing over JP tube insertion point.
First day after removal of JP drain and staples. Got steri-strips on incision and gauze dressing over JP tube insertion point.
Lower part of incision showing extra goopy part under the steri-strips
Lower part of incision showing extra goopy part under the steri-strips. This was the last area for the steri-strips to fall off on their own. That took almost two weeks after they were applied!

August 19, healing well, still pretty red. Notice wider, redder part near bottom.

August 25, continuing to heal.

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