Miscellaneous Photos of the Precious "Pups"

(See also Tribute to Shadow page.)

My favorite photo!

Shadow, Magic, and I by the pond in front of our condo in Alexandria, VA
Queen Magic on her recliner

Queen Magic on "her" recliner
Their new custom-built ramp and window perch

Their new custom-built ramp and window perch
Practice shots for Christmas cards

Practice shots for Christmas cards
At least we're having fun!

At least we're having fun!
Magic trying out her new lookout

Magic trying out her new lookout
Pups outside the condo

Pups outside the condo
Sleep; a favorite pasttime of all three of us!

Sleep; a favorite pasttime of all three of us!
Believe it or not, I think this is Shadow!

Believe it or not, I think this is Shadow!  They looked so similar as little puppies.
A great Christmas shot!

A great Christmas shot!  Used for our Christmas card in 1989.
Flowers from Bthan to celebrate the arrival of the new pup, Magic!

Flowers from my sister to celebrate the arrival of the new pup, Magic!
More practice Christmas card photos

More practice Christmas card photos
Shadow making herself at home in the lobby of the hotel in Brussels

Shadow making herself at home in the lobby of the hotel in Brussels, Belgium.
Shadow on the old window perch

Shadow on the old window perch.
Oh, we weren't supposed to open the megapack of Q-Tips?

"Oh, we weren't supposed to open the megapack of Q-Tips?"
What's wrong, Mom?  Can't we play in the mud?

"What's wrong, Mom?  Can't we play in the mud?  We're just looking for that darn beaver."
Shadow's cast after ACL surgery.

Shadow's cast after ACL surgery.
Cute little baby bootie to keep cast dry

Cute little baby bootie to keep cast dry.
Shadow's pooped after getting her cast off; notice the shaved left-rear quarter panel!

Shadow's pooped after getting her cast off; notice the shaved left-rear quarter panel!
Majestic Shadow protecting her ball

Majestic Shadow protecting her ball!  Everywhere she went, she carried one of those.
Magic on the old perch

Magic on the old window perch.
Shadow after taking down the Christmas tree

Shadow after taking down the Christmas tree.