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16. What do you find the most fascinating about him/her?
17. Name something nice he/she did for you. Something mean.
18. Name one of the best times you had together. One not so good.
19. What do you think is the most remarkable thing he/she has done?
20. When do you most like to be around him/her? When do you least enjoy his/her company?
21. Have you ever needed him/her? Yes? No? Might you?
22. Would you feel comfortable crying in front of him/her? Having him/her cry in front of you?
23. To what degrees do you trust each other?
24. What are some "trigger words" that evoke an extreme/consistent emotional response when mentioned to him/her? What emotion is usually expressed for each?
Do you try to avoid using these "trigger words" or do you purposely use them?
25. Conversation Skills:
a. in a group discussion, which of the following does he/she tend to do?
- withdraw
- lead
- help get everyone involved
- argue
- monopolize the conversation
b. In a one-to-one situation, he/she mostly:
- gives advice
- listens
- answers questions
- criticizes
- tells me what I should do
- talks only about himself/herself
- says things just to hear himself/herself talk
- passes judgment
- is more open than in a group discussion
26. At a point of conflict, he/she usually:
- confronts the issue (jumps head-first into the ocean)
- tries to figure out if resolution is really important (checks out the water first)
- drops hints about his/her feelings and takes pot-shots (kicks sand in the water)
- does/says nothing (just stands on the beach)
- waits to see what happens (watches the waves to see if they'll reach his/her feet)
- changes the subject (remarks at the beauty)
- avoids the issue (turns and walks away, hoping no one will notice)
- refuses to discuss the issue (runs away as fast as he/she can)
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